Weekly Roundup

Leigh and Ben shared the cutest playhouse that they DIYed. The kitchen is made from scrap materials and old furniture - the oven is a nightstand!

I shared a round up of beds that are perfect for in front of a window earlier this week, and then just as if the stars aligned, my friend Emily of The Sweet Beast was quoted in this Design Sponge article saying, "if your headboard is lower than your window frame or is not solid and allows light to pass through, it can look great in front of a window." Well, great minds think alike! The rest of the article has other tips from other smarties, too.

The Brinsons made a beautiful wooden fence that so perfectly fits their historic old house, yet they made it with simple hardware store lumber and lattice. It's a beaut! Get their tutorial in both blog and video form here.

Have you ever dried your laundry over your cooktop? News to me.

We saw the movie, Eighth Grade, yesterday and were really moved by it. The storylines and the character really hit home for me and I can't stop thinking about it.

If you like the kind of movies I like (slow, thoughtful, kind of depressing) I also recommend these ones that we watched in the past couple of weeks: Force Majeure, The Lobster, The Killing of a Sacred Deer, and The Florida Project. If you're into those kinds of movies, boy, can I recommend some other gems to you!

I've read many a DIY hardwood floor refinishing blog posts (this one from Cathy is a favorite) and the way I've seen oodles of floors refinished has always been to sand, stain, let dry, polyurethane, let dry, sand, polyurethane, let dry, sand, polyurethane. But Erin just redid her hardwoods by sanding then staining and sealing in one step. Fascinating!

Didja catch my blog post from earlier this week on cable management and electronics storage hacks? A few people said it saved their marriage and made their dreams come true. Just sayin'.

Kim and Scott have been hosting yard sales for a decade and ever since seeing their yard sale video, I've romanticized the idea of hosting one with our neighbors. They shared really great tips on making the sale a success - and also fun. I'm thinking we'll sell a bunch of stuff in our front yard in a week or two and donate the proceeds to the ACLU. It's the perfect motivation to get me to declutter. Would you swing by if I sold all my junk?

Happy Friday!