Starting a blog? Yes. Starting the blog.

I've spent the better part of a year hemming and hawing about starting a blog. But, here it is. Yikes!

I feel like I can't start without a preface, so here are some ramblings about my thoughts on what you can find when you visit

I'm starting my writings in March 2017, but I'm going to travel back in time to early 2015 and start in the beginning of my home renovation journey. I hope that doesn't get too confusing! There will be times when this blog will only have photos of a gutted bathroom, but my Instagram will show off finished spaces and styled rooms. Don't worry, I'll eventually catch up to present day and you'll be able to follow along with me live.

You can expect to find all things related to our house from the home buying process through renovations, DIY projects, styling, and doing it over and over. I hope to use this platform to share more than home renovations, so let me know what you want to hear from me! I can weigh in on pie recipes, art, film & television, life, and general oddities.

Pressing publish on this post and each of the ones to come makes me feel vulnerable but so excited for the potential that can come from sharing a major part of my life with all of you strangers. I hope to connect with each of you.

Artist Adam J. Kurtz says it best.